Goizueta Business School trains business leaders of today and tomorrow with an Undergraduate degree program, a Two-Year Full-Time MBA, a One-Year MBA, an Evening MBA, an Executive MBA, a Doctoral degree and a portfolio of non-degree executive education courses. Goizueta is one of the nation’s only schools with four, top-20 ranked degree programs.
The school offers a unique, action-oriented environment paired with an academic prestige and rigor shared with the international acclaim of Emory University. Students are encouraged to invest in their education through hard work and integrity ensuring a degree with infinite payback to business and society.
Undergraduate BBA Program
Our program consists of approximately 600 students who are continuing students from Emory and Oxford Colleges. Although we have our own distinctive identity, we are very much a part of Emory and share its vision and intellectual focus.
Our courses center on understanding the key functions that take place inside organizations and how they impact, and are impacted by, the external environment in which they operate.
Two-Year MBA Program
Designed with a unique structure the Two-Year MBA allows students to build a solid foundation of skills by completing all core courses in the first semester. In this format, students can get an earlier start in electives that prepare them for Day-One Readiness. The summer internship allows you to evaluate your career path first-hand. One hundred percent of our Two-Year students have received internship offers ten out of the last 11 years.
One-Year MBA Program
In this program, students can re-enter the workforce in 12 months, maximizing the return on their educational investment. The format is best suited for students with more work experience and focused career goals. A business, economics or engineering degree is preferred. One-Year students have full access to electives, the MBA Career Management Center, the Goizueta Advanced Leadership Academy, Mid-Semester Modules, clubs and organizations.
Evening MBA Program
At Goizueta Business School, our Evening MBA students have discovered the value of an investment that will go with them anywhere in the world. With nine core courses and access to more than 90 electives, it’s easy to create functional depth. Students also take part in experiential learning courses, leader development and an international study module.
Executive MBA Program
As one of the most established names in education, Goizueta Business School has a proven track record of producing successful business graduates. For more than 90 years, the unmatched prestige of Goizueta continues to stand true. Our Executive MBA Program shares a celebrated history, spanning over three decades and countless accolades. Students gain access to more than 121,000 Emory alumni, numerous academic leaders and a brand with limitless potential to go along with graduate-level education.
Ph.D. Program
We believe that hands-on research collaboration between students and faculty is critically important in the education of new scholars. Collaborative research helps students learn how to transform abstract theoretical questions into workable projects that are publishable in major journals. Our doctoral program, offered through the Laney Graduate School, provides students the opportunity to become scholars in Accounting, Finance, Information Systems and Operations Management, Marketing or Organization and Management.
Executive Education
Emory Executive Education is a globally-acclaimed and works with top national and global organizations. We are the only globally-ranked executive education program in Georgia, offering world-class executive education while maintaining the capability to provide high-impact programs across the globe.