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Smith: Traffic only hampers Metro Atlanta business opportunities

Via the AJC: Some lower-paid positions, such as those in the hotel, restaurant and retail industry, are in areas where workers can’t afford to live,...

Smith: Ticket sales alone can’t support symphony

Members of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra are currently locked in a labor dispute, bringing to light many of the economic struggles faced by similar organizations...
osh Jones (EMBA 13), Assistant Professor in the Practice of Finance Tom Smith, Del Marsh, President Pro Tem of the Alabama State Senate

Smith leads roundtable on Alabama economy

Assistant Professor in the Practice of Finance, Tom Smith, led a roundtable discussion on the state of the Alabama economy and development opportunities May...

Smith on Georgia Jobs, Unemployment

Job numbers are of increasing concern in Metro Atlanta and Georgia with the official unemployment rate hovering above 9 percent. Speaking with WABE's Denis O'Hayer...

Smith: Threat of Money Loss Ends Lockout

There is labor peace in the NFL. After more than four months of court dates and negotiations team owners and players of the nation's most...

Smith on Economy, Unemployment

Depending on the day of the week headlines on the nation's economy speak of positive momentum or a downward spiral. Goizueta's Tom Smith says the...

Smith: Unemployment Rate Inching Down

Goizueta's Tom Smith told WABE in Atlanta the nation's unemployment rate could continue to tick down, perhaps going below 8 percent, later this summer...

Smith: Temporary Price Rise Could Help

A temporary rise in prices aren't necessarily a bad thing in a recovering economy, says Goizueta finance professor Tom Smith. But, when it comes...

Atlanta companies could feel affects of immigration ban

Associate Professor in the Practice of Finance Tom Smith says Atlanta companies may feel some strain from the Trump Administration's immigration ban, primarily associated with the movement of workers around the world.

Postseason push could feed new-stadium energy

As the finishing touches are put in place at Mercedes-Benz Stadium, the Falcons move ahead in the playoffs at the Georgia Dome. Goizueta's Tom Smith said that success could help new-stadium revenue.

Trade deals more complicated than they seem

Goizueta expert Tom Smith says the claims made during the election on the negative side of trade are too one-sided. "It is naive to say a trade deal is responsible for... jobs lost," he said. "There are jobs that are gained through trade as well."

Big upgrades don’t always lead to economic boom

New -- or upgraded -- arenas are great, but do they really spark economic growth? No, says Goizueta expert Tom Smith tells the AJC.