Ray Temnewo 18BBA, an ordered, decisive and systematic business analyst at McKinsey – who regularly checks his wallet to ensure everything inside faces the same direction – is on the precipice of the next season of his life.
Just two years out of school, this Georgia native wants to leave his options open — at least for the time being.
“I’ve enjoyed my time at McKinsey,” he said. “Projects can be extremely fast-paced, but working with achieved, accoladed coworkers and kicking off the experience with a class made up of peers in a similar age group and career position has made it all worth it. I am learning a ton and can’t complain.”
His favorite elements of consulting? “I’ve always been a fan of the variety of projects. While having a bias for TMT (Technology, Media and Telecom), I’ve prioritized getting a feel for what else is out there through different projects and what companies are doing in different sectors.”
One thing that is working well for him, thanks to Goizueta, is his ability to navigate team dynamics.
“I loved the fact that almost every class involves working in teams,” he said. “You learn pretty quickly that people on a team have different motives, different incentives and different priorities, and they invariably clash when working together. I feel fairly comfortable handling team dynamics and helping create collaborative environments that can influence the outcome of a project, in no small part thanks to Goizueta.”
Goizueta has also enabled him to improve his community.
After his senior year, Temnewo worked with Social Enterprise @ Goizueta (SE@G), an action-oriented center that includes research, community-facing programs and teaching, providing research and financial analysis of potential venture options for the former EarthFare location at Emory Point. Ultimately the innovation hub option, now called The Hatchery at Emory, was the top choice.
“Doing that work was super interesting because it highlighted how you can actually use a private sector entity, like Emory University, and local donations and resources to fund products and services aimed at social good,” he said.
As a first-generation college student, Temnewo has maintained a longstanding interest in social impact and economic development. His parents are from Eritrea, a small country in Eastern Africa.
“This project was a symbol of what could be possible on a larger scale. What would this mean to a country like Eritrea, a region characterized by desolate poverty, if you could use private-sector influence and crowdsourced resources to make a positive impact? What does it look like?”
With endless possibilities in front of him, including an MBA, Temnewo has the disciplined mind to sift through his options and make wise choices.
“I have a lot to figure out, but as I continue to learn more, I’m hopeful I’ll make the best personal and professional decisions for myself in the years to come,” he said. “I tend to get in my own head about a lot of this stuff and overthink these things, but at the end of the day, I’m just grateful to have options.”