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Product Returns Represent Billion-Dollar Strategic Blind Spot for Major Retailers

Product Returns Represent Billion-Dollar Strategic Blind Spot for Major Retailers

“Product returns have never, to our knowledge, been explicitly included as a stage in a major customer journey model,” the authors note in their...

Excellence in teaching

At Goizueta, each graduating class votes to honor excellence in teaching.  This year’s recipients are: BBA Distinguished Educator: Allison Burdette Full-Time MBA Best New Educator: Renee...

Learning, laughter highlight Homecoming 2018

Alumni from as far as India descended upon the Emory campus to reconnect and create new acquaintances and memories during Homecoming 2018 and Family Weekend.

Goizueta faculty weigh in on changing retail industry, Amazon Go

A groundbreaking new convenience store concept recently launched by Amazon is set to test the trajectory of how technology will be integrated in the retail industry going forward.

Goizueta scholar takes deep look at consumer behavior

Retailers and marketing researchers have long pondered consumer psychology to get a better understanding of just what motivates a shopper to select one item...

Magazine releases #GoizuetaKudos for Fall 2016

In early May, Lynne Segall 99MBA, associate dean of management practice initiatives and lecturer in organization & management, orchestrated the first Goizueta Client Day,...

Faculty, staff honored with awards for 2015-16 academic year

Each year numerous awards are bestowed on faculty members at Goizueta Business School with emphasis on their roles in the classroom. For the 2015-16 academic year, professors from...

Faculty plan, publish new books

The Intuitive Customer: 7 Imperatives for Moving Your Customer Experience to the Next Level, by Colin Shaw and Ryan Hamilton (Palgrave Macmillan). Shaw and Hamilton,...

The Inconvenient Truth about the Convenience of Technology

Technology is an integral part of everyday life, but are the conveniences it provides too habit forming for our own good? Learn more in the new Emory Business cover story.

Price image trumps price reality for most consumers

When most people hear “Walmart,” they’re going to think “everyday low prices.” But if you’re actually looking for the lowest prices on average, Target should...

Knowledge Creation: A look at the depth of faculty scholarship

Young adults, the recession, and narcissism Individuals who enter adulthood during a recession are less likely to be narcissistic, finds Emily Bianchi, assistant professor of...
Teaching Digital

Faculty change techniques in digital age

Business education is in the throes of a historic transformation. Changes driven by technological advances and the corresponding demands of business are affecting how...



Preparing the Workers of the Future

Goizueta Business School is Preparing the Workers of the Future
The future of work. What does it mean? For some, thoughts of artificial intelligence, doom and gloom, or robots taking over the world might come...